Me and my poster


This time I want to share this. That's me, in case you wonder, showing a beautifully printed poster of my illustration of Fight Club. This is the medium size (60 x 90 cm, 23 x 35 inches) and looks really impressive!

The happy owner is my cousin Fer, I'll try to update this post with a picture of him once he frames and hangs the poster.


MiCh said...

Impressive! It makes me want my own copy! Fight Club is my favorite movie!
By the way.. maybe you can do some illustration of Harry Potter.. or of Twilight! I'd really really like to have a picture of Edward Cullen in the top of my bed, hahaha!
Please, please, can u, can u?
Greetings and a lot of congrats for the proud father-to-be of a baby boy!

Unknown said...

Hello Mich! Long time no see!

Thanks for your kind words and dropping by!

If you want a copy of the Fight Club poster, the cost is $400.00 MXP for the 60 x 90 cm version (The one I'm showing at the picture). The bigger version is twice its size for $550.00 MXP.

The costs doesn't include shipping and is payed in advance.

About Twilight, I don't know the film so I have to check it out first. If you're really interested in a poster, I can draw it! So what do you think?